Mon. May 20th, 2024

 Hundreds of activists prevented a private jet from taking off at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport on November 5, the day before the opening of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt. A large group of climate change activists sat around the private jet to stop it from taking off. Other activists cycled around the plane. According to Dewi Zurok of Greenpeace Netherlands, the activists are calling for “fewer flights, more trains, and a ban on unnecessary short-haul flights and private jets. Police say they have arrested some activists who entered the airport grounds without a permit. In response to an open letter from Greenpeace, Schiphol Airport CEO Rad Sonderg acknowledged that “we are aiming for an emission-free airport by 2030 and virtually zero greenhouse gas emissions by 50 years of flying,” but admits that it needs to happen more quickly.


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