季節ネタ / seasonal topic Tell me your favorite place!/私のおすすめの場所 in Kyoto(Kaho) High School Interns2023-10-14 Have you guys ever been to Kyo...
季節ネタ / seasonal topic What I enjoyed this summer☀️/私の夏休みの思い出(Kaho) High School Interns2023-09-20 Hi, this is Kaho! Today I'd li...
季節ネタ / seasonal topic Standard of rudeness / 失礼の基準 by Liz from the US the clubrooms admin2023-04-292023-07-10 Hello, I am Liz. What is consi...
季節ネタ / seasonal topic 課外活動 / other activities My Experience in Boston – Shiori High School Interns2023-04-052023-07-10 Hello everyone! Though this ma...
インターン自己紹介 / self introduction 季節ネタ / seasonal topic Spring is the Season of New Beginnings!! – elena High School Interns2023-04-012023-07-10 Relaxation is nor unnecessary,...
インターン自己紹介 / self introduction 季節ネタ / seasonal topic 100days left my school days in the US / 留学中の学校生活残り100日を切りました(Liz) the clubrooms admin2023-03-02 Here is a report from our inte...
インターン自己紹介 / self introduction 季節ネタ / seasonal topic Examination Season is Here! My Exam Experience/受験経験 vol 2 by Taz High School Interns2023-01-122023-01-12 Hello, I'm Taz. Following Jess...
セッションの紹介 / session report 季節ネタ / seasonal topic Happy New Year / あけましておめでとうございます the clubrooms admin2023-01-082023-01-12 あけましておめでとうございます!the clubroomsは...
季節ネタ / seasonal topic クリスマス High School Interns2022-12-212023-01-07 こんにちは、Ryutoです。12月に入り、街ではイルミネーシ...