Relaxation is nor unnecessary, nor a means of laziness. Relaxation is what we all need during spring break to let go of the stress we have held on for the past year, and to kickoff our new beginning to the next.

During the school term, I find myself very overwhelmed with school work and extracurriculars, often to the point where I feel as if though I will burn out. I think that it is important to be productive, but what is equivalently important, or rather even more important, is to rest and take a break.

During spring break, I love to travel with my family members to a place faraway from home, in order to have fun without thinking about my responsibilities. Going away to somewhere quiet, somewhere different, or even just staying at home doing nothing releases all the toxicity filled up in my mind. Personally, I love to go away to a peaceful environment, only surrounded by nature. Similar to how plants revive, I too feel refreshed by listening to the birds chirping and looking at the sakura trees.

We all should prioritise our time to relax. This has greatly reduced my stress and improved my mood, and I cannot wait for the next school year (despite how frightened I am!)





the clubrooms is an online-after school bilingual community (English and Japanese) with multi-cultural & diverse students based in Japan. We have sessions in the evenings online.  www.theclubrooms.orgFacebookPeatix, or connect with us on LINE )

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