4/5に開催した、ジュニアインターンによる防災セッション より、8−12歳の12人で構成されたジュニアインターンのメンバー、RenaのBLOGレポートです!

The reason I participated in this event was because I want to make a donation for people in need on the Noto Peninsula.

When I first read the slides,I didn’t know anything about emergency food. So  when I first read this slide, I thought “Emergency food has such a short expiration date!” I also learned that retort food,freeze-dried food and canned food that have at can also be used as emergency food.

The slide I explained was about the quiz.

  When I have decided on my part ,I thought “How can I make people want to listen to this?”   “How can I make it easier to understand?”    It was difficult at first, but when I listened to my friend’s speech,they gave me some hints.I tried them. I could do it little by little.

I was nervous during the actual performance, but I think I was able to speak like that. 

I could not have made this donation on my own. But I also learned what I can do by working together with my friends.I can only thank Friends who worked with me!!







