Hello everyone! Though this may seem very sudden, here’s a pop quiz for you. Do you cross the road when the traffic lights are still red? Do you like to keep your mask off in public? Do you know which American baseball team Masataka Yoshida, a member of this WBC’s winning team, belongs to? And finally, do you own Harvard or MIT merchandise? If you’ve answered yes to all these questions, you might qualify as a Bostonian! In Boston, a car-free road means a blue light; you are the majority without a mask on trains; the Boston Red Sox is everybody’s favorite baseball team; and clothes with college logo prints are the year-round fashion trend.
It was my first time in three years since I last traveled outside of Japan, and my memorial debut in America! My least favorite part of the trip was having to stay on the plane for over ten hours. Imagine sitting in the backseat of a packed car in the middle of a traffic jam – yes it‘s just like that, except it’s always shaking and you’re stuck in that situation for thirteen hours. Regardless, I was able to have fun and learn a lot during the days I spent in Boston. Something that I really enjoyed was being able to experience the freedom and diversity in the culture there. For example, the college students that I saw in the city were from different countries, all dressed in unique ways, and some would even scooter through the halls!
From going on this trip, I realized how during this pandemic, I was forgetting the importance of engaging in different environments and finding new ways to interact with people that I normally would not spend time with. I hope that we can all experience something new in our starting academic year with less COVID and mask restrictions!!!
the clubrooms is an online-after school bilingual community (English and Japanese) with multi-cultural & diverse students based in Japan. We have sessions in the evenings online. www.theclubrooms.org(Facebook、Peatix, or connect with us on LINE )
the clubroomsでは放課後と夜時間のオンラインのセッションを中心とした日英バイリンガルコミュニティー&アフタースクールプログラムです。主に8歳以上くらいからを対象としたレッスンセッションや、4−7歳くらい向けの無料読み聞かせプログラムも開催中です。15歳以上の場合はインターン参加が可能です。セッションに参加してみたい方はwww.theclubrooms.org またはSNS→から!(Facebook、Peatix, LINE )