こんにちは!The Clubroomsのインターンのマックスです。
最近のセッションでは、自分の滞在していた場所について話しました。私が一員だったニューヨークグループでは、ニューヨークに住んでいたメンバーが集まって、Google StreetViewを使って今の現地をバーチャル訪問しながら、一番好きだった場所、ニューヨークでの思い出、ニューヨークの一番好きなことなどについてディスカッションをしました。ディスカッションを通して、みんなの経験について考え、話すことができたようでした。
Hello! My name is Max, and I am currently working as an intern for The Clubrooms.
In our most recent session, some of us split up into small groups to talk about the places that we lived in. I was part of the New York group, in which we talked about our favorite places in New York, our memories of it, and our favorite things about it. The discussion was very productive and it seemed like everyone was able to use it as an opportunity to think about and share their experiences.
I hope that throughout our sessions, we can use opportunities of discussion, as we did, to think deeply and creatively. By thinking and discussing, we can learn to think more productively, train our communication skills, and form bonds with those that we have discussions with.
I look forward to future sessions in which I hope we can have productive discussions and learn together!
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