こんにちは、Clubrooms のインターンをやっているエレナです。先日、初めてクラブルームズのセッションに参加し、たくさんの明るくて素敵な子供達と一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしました。

皆さんは、暇な時は何をしていますか?私は映画を見たり、本を読んだり、音楽を聴いたりして楽しんでいますが、これもたまにはつまらなくなることがあります。そこでキックインするのが「The Clubrooms Session」です。バーチャルで他の人と交流できる素晴らしい場です:D



Hello, I’m Elena and I am one of the interns at The Clubrooms!! A little while ago, I participated in my first clubroom session with many bright, wonderful students and I had a splendid time with them.

What do you guys do when you have nothing to do? I enjoy watching movies, reading books and listening to music in my free time, but this can get exhausting at times. And this is where the Clubroom Session kicks in. It is something I encourage you to do; it is an amazing place to socialize with others virtually:D

In the session that I joined, we first introduced ourselves by changing our virtual backgrounds to what we identify ourselves as. So, in my case, I had a Japanese, Thai and Australian flag, as I had spent 11 years living in Thailand and went to an Australian international school. I also added an image of going out with my friends, my favourite film and many more details of myself🏝. This is an excellent way to get to know each other, and what I realized was how diverse of a class we were! It is a great and unique platform to get to know one another, as well as learn other cultures or backgrounds that we have never experienced in our own lives (while improving our English;))

Additionally, The Clubrooms is a totally new concept, and differs from the usual ‘部活’. We try out new activities every week, and surprisingly, these activities are fun and entertaining, making you want to continue the session endlessly. It is not only a great way for the students to spend their ‘放課後’ efficiently, but is an extraordinary experience for us, high schoolers as well🥳.

I hope that we as interns of The Clubroom will be able to get to know each and every student better, and have a splendid time whilst the session lasts!!

the clubroomsセッションに参加してみたい方はこちらから!(FacebookPeatix)

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