こんにちは!The Clubroomsでインターン活動をやっているスケです。部活はバドミントンとディベートをやっていて、それとはまた別にギターとハーモニカを趣味としてやっております。幼少の頃にアメリカのコネチカットに住んでいた経験があり、英語と日本語両方を話せます。The Clubroomsはさまざまな環境からの人たちが参加するので、新たなことを学んだり、新しい出会いを作れます。また、同時に英語力も上達して一石二鳥、いや三鳥になります。それは参加者だけではなく、インターンをやっている私たちもそうです。
Hello! I’m Suke doing an internship at The Clubrooms. I am in the Badminton Club and the English debate club. Apart from that, I also play the guitar and the harmonica as a hobby. Since I lived in Connecticut, USA when I was young, I can speak both English and Japanese. Since people from various environments participate in The Clubrooms activities, you can learn new things and make new encounters, leading to new friendships. At the same time, you can improve your English linguistic abilities and become two birds rather, three birds with one stone. Not only the participants but also us interns can learn new things through this activity as well. Thus, I would like to get along with all of you and engage in various activities!