明けましておめでとうございます!The Clubroomsでインターンをしているしおりです!
Happy new year! I’m Shiori and I work as an intern for The Clubrooms!
I’m here for our first activity at “赤おにの寺小屋” (akaoni-no-teragoya) of the year. In this program, we high school interns interact with elementary school children playing games and studying every Wednesdays and Fridays from 15:00~18:00 at a place called ミツケサロン located across from 赤坂見附 station.
Last year when I participated in this program, I enjoyed playing with hamburger printed card games and アクアビーズ (aquabeads) which was recommended by the elementary schooler I interacted with. At first, she seemed really shy in her self-introduction, but through playing multiple rounds of games with her, we got to talk a lot about topics such as her school life and her favorite things. Also, I was very happy in the end when she remembered my name ^^
Enjoying card games that cannot be done alone and making aquabeads which reminded me of my childhood filled me with a lot of joy. The warmth of this place makes me want to come back again even during this cold season when I tend to stay at home alone.
Please feel free to come and join us! And I hope that 2024 will be a splendid year ahead.
#寺子屋 #フリースクール #英会話 #子ども食堂 #赤坂 #赤坂見附 #無料 #子育て #学校に行かない選択 #学校に行きたくない #学校に行けない #居場所 #アフタースクール #不登校 #港区 #フリースクール #不登校の親 #不登校支援 #不登校小学生 #不登校中学生 #放課後学童 #放課後の居場所 #中高生プラザ #児童館 #渋谷区 #千代田区 #新宿区 #英語学童 #自習室