Here is a post from one of our interns, Ryohya, who helps us website-related works a lot. 今日はインターンがウェブサイトやBLOGの構築の手伝いをしている近況をレポートします。
Hey guys! How’s life going? Mine is cool. Recently, I worked with the clubrooms in many activities. I’m helping with back-end of their server, and honesty, I’m really enjoying myself! Last time I was asked to reprogram WordPress to change the layout of the website. It was pretty challenging due to the fact that the theme was made by a different host, but with few changes, problem got solved. Another time, I was asked to design the Clubrooms website, and I had a fun time trying to make it look the best. (Ryohya)
the clubroomsでは放課後にオンラインのバイリンガル型アフタースクールセッションを開催しています。小学校高学年以上の生徒さんから参加可能、15歳以上の場合はインターン参加が可能です。生徒として、またはインターンとして、参加してみたい方はこちらから!(Facebook、Peatix)
the clubrooms is an online-after school bilingual community (English and Japanese) with multi-cultural & diversed students based in Japan. We have sessions in the evening online. If you are intersted joining as a student or an intern please contact us or visit, (Facebook、Peatix ) or