こんにちは、The Clubroomsでインターン活動をしているしおりです。
Hello, my name is Shiori. Welcome to my first blog!!
I’ve been working as a member of The Clubrooms team since May and I recently took part in the last online session before the summer break. It was also my first time joining a session so everything including the activities and the people I worked with were new and super exciting.
We first started off with introducing ourselves and one item that we would recommend others to buy. When giving our reasons why we wanted to recommend it to others, we each thought about why we like it so much, what types of benefits it would bring if others bought it, and how it could change the world. The objects that had been introduced ranged from books to frog toys and I found it very interesting to listen to all the different people present about their recommended items.
Once that activity was over, we split into two teams to play a game of charades. Some of the given topics were harder than others but it was nice to see everybody trying their best to act out their topics and to guess what the others were trying to express. I really enjoyed spending my time with such creative and wonderful people whilst getting to know them through the fun little activities, which I think is something unique to The Clubrooms sessions.
You are given many chances to express yourself, speak in English, talk about your passions, and learn about others in a safe and friendly environment during the weekly sessions. I strongly want to recommend The Clubrooms to anybody who loves to explore new ideas and interests through interacting with different people. And as for high schoolers, there is so much to learn here that you would never learn at school, which I believe is what makes this experience so valuable and worth the effort!
#Zoomで部活動, #Zoom部活, #インターナショナルコミュニティ, #インターナショナルスクール, #インターンシップ, #おうち留学, #オンライン部活, #サマーキャンプ, #ティーンエイジャー, #ネット学童, #ネット部活動, #バイリンガル, #中学生, #帰国子女仲間, #放課後クラブ, #留学, #課外活動 #習い事 #英語ネイティブの先生