Hello! My name is Kei and I will be working along the clubrooms as an internship student. I have joined to spend my time after school more wisely. I lived in America from when I was 5 till I was about 10 (Third grade). During that time I was able to learn English and also was able to interact with different people and cultures from around the world and had a very interesting experience. I especially got very interested in American music more specifically hip-hop. I am still interested in hip-hop and I think from this experience I was able to expand my horizons for music.
I think that others could also interact with people with different backgrounds through this program with zoom calls and find new friends, interests and hobbies. Through this you will also be able to dig deeper into your interests and be connected to learning. I am also very excited to work with you guys!
the clubroomsセッションに参加してみたい方はこちらから!(Facebook、Peatix)
#Zoomで部活動, #Zoom部活, #インターナショナルコミュニティ, #インターナショナルスクール, #インターンシップ, #おうち留学, #オンライン部活, #サマーキャンプ, #ティーンエイジャー, #ネット学童, #ネット部活動, #バイリンガル, #中学生, #帰国子女仲間, #放課後クラブ, #留学, #課外活動 #習い事 #英語ネイティブ