


Yesterday, we launched the “Newsroom” in Wednesday’s weekly session. Our students acted as a news anchor to read the news of the past few weeks and we filmed it! The students practiced reading the news in English (and some in Japanese too) . In 1on1 Breakout room they receive advice on how to read it more professionally, then back in the main room the students went to the actual newscasting session.
We changed a Zoom background to give it a newsroom look, showed relevant images using Zoom screen share and we even inserted commercial AD at the end of the news.

This ‘Newsroom’ may become regular activity in the near future, but here is the newsroom article clips both in Japanese and English, made easy to understand for around 10 years old. More details about the session will be announced as they become available.

参加インターン interns participated:#Suke, #Kai

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For more information about our free sessions, please contact us at http://theclubrooms.org/ or https://theclubrooms.peatix.com/
