Hi, this is Kaho!
Today I’d like to share what I did this summer☀️ I got to spend a lot of time with my family. We went to a beach, went driving to see a sunset, etc.
One of the memorable things I did this summer was that I went to watch a soccer game with my dad! I live in Hyogo prefecture, but I support Cerezo Osaka which is a club based in Osaka. It was the third time I visited the stadium to support the club and they won the game!! If you’re interested in soccer even for a bit, I recommend you watch any J-league games because they are very exciting;)
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed the summer!
the clubrooms is an online-after school bilingual community (English and Japanese) with multi-cultural & diverse students based in Japan. We have sessions in the evenings online. www.theclubrooms.org(Facebook、Peatix, or connect with us on LINE )
the clubroomsでは放課後と夜時間のオンラインのセッションを中心とした日英バイリンガルコミュニティー&アフタースクールプログラムです。主に8歳以上くらいからを対象としたセッションを中心に、今後4−7歳くらい向けのプログラムも展開予定です。15歳以上の場合はインターン参加が可能です。セッションに参加してみたい方はwww.theclubrooms.org またはSNS→から!(Facebook、Peatix, LINE )