Hello! I am Aria, the new intern. I used to live in London, so I would like to mention it!

I lived in South West London, England for three years, from Grade 5 to Grade 8!
Compared to Japan, the weather in London is cloudy throughout the year. In all the seasons, it does not get as hot as it does in Japan. It is rare in England to be bright and sunny, and if it does the park will be filled with people basking in the sun!

The school in England starts form September, like it does in most English-spoken countries, such as America and Canada. I went to an international school, where there were students from all over the world. I made friends from Brazil, Italy, Spain, China, and so on! Taking the lesson in a new language, English was hard for me as I had never had a chance to do so before then, but I enjoyed having friends from overseas!

To sum up, I had a lot of fun in London. If you have a chance to go there, please enjoy!






the clubrooms is an online-after school bilingual community (English and Japanese) with multi-cultural & diverse students based in Japan. We have sessions in the evenings online.  www.theclubrooms.orgFacebookPeatix, or connect with us on LINE )

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