Hello! I am Liz from Michigan. Have you ever felt the power of support? I have not until recently. I am currently studying abroad in the US and trying my hand at cheerleading. Our team has not been doing that well in the weekly cheer competitions, but last week at our high school, we had a competition and saw many families and friends. It was a home game. Everyone was anxious about the game, but while we were performing, the cheering never stopped and everyone enjoyed the game and we came in 3rd place. That is when I realized that the power of cheering is amazing.
When I think back on my entrance examinations, I can say that they were not good. I kept getting rejected by many schools I wanted to enter. However, on February 5, my last day to take the junior high school entrance exam, I was accepted to my school of choice, although it was not my first choice. I still believe that the reason I was able to pass the entrance exam was because my teacher, who had always taken care of me, came to give me a pep talk. I remember how happy I was the moment I saw him that morning as I walked alone to the exam site. I know you are in the midst of your examinations, but there are many people cheering for you! Please take their support as your ally and do your best without giving up until the end.
さて、私の受験を思い出してみると、決して良いといえる受験ではありませでした。たくさんの志望校に落ち続けました。ですが、2月5日、私にとって最後の中学受験日に第一志望校ではありませんが志望校に合格することができました。私が合格することができた理由はいつもお世話になっていた先生が激励に来てくれたことだと今でも思っています。その日の朝、ひとりで受験会場に向かいその先生が目に入った瞬間とても嬉しかったことを覚えているからです。受験も佳境だと思いますが、沢山の人があなたを応援しています!応援を味方につけて最後まで諦めずに頑張ってください。 (Liz)
the clubrooms is an online-after school bilingual community (English and Japanese) with multi-cultural & diverse students based in Japan. We have sessions in the evenings online. www.theclubrooms.org(Facebook、Peatix, or connect with us on LINE )
the clubroomsでは放課後と夜時間のオンラインのセッションを中心とした日英バイリンガルコミュニティー&アフタースクールプログラムです。主に8歳以上くらいからを対象としたセッションを中心に、今後4−7歳くらい向けのプログラムも展開予定です。15歳以上の場合はインターン参加が可能です。セッションに参加してみたい方はwww.theclubrooms.org またはSNS→から!(Facebook、Peatix, LINE )