Hi! I’m Taichi. I have lived in the United States for 7 years, where I have developed my passion for computers, electronic music and programming through learning in a STEM environment. I think this program is super cool, as it teaches kids english through games and activities, which can help them learn in a much more natural and engaging way. As a sort of mentor for the students in the actual sessions, I get to meet new people, discover new tools (such as this website), and develop my own English communication skills all while having a great time, and it’s honestly been a really good experience for me. I’m very excited to work with you guys, and to help out with any technology-related issues!
the clubroomsセッションに参加してみたい方はこちらから!(Facebook、Peatix)
#Zoomで部活動, #Zoom部活, #インターナショナルコミュニティ, #インターナショナルスクール, #インターンシップ, #おうち留学, #オンライン部活, #サマーキャンプ, #ティーンエイジャー, #ネット学童, #ネット部活動, #バイリンガル, #中学生, #帰国子女仲間, #放課後クラブ, #留学, #課外活動 #習い事 #英語ネイティブ