初めまして!The Clubroomsでインターンを務めさせていただいております、Eiriです。私は学校でこの団体について知り、面白そうだな〜と思い参加させていただきました。最初は軽い気持ちでしたが、実際にオフィスにお邪魔させていただいたり、周りの大人の方々やに参加している生徒の方々と実際に接し、たくさん刺激を受け「自分に何かできないかな」と考えるようになりました。
また、私は小さい頃からたくさんの習い事をしてきた中、ずっと続けているのはダンスです。ダンスを始めたきっかけは友達がやっていたからという本当に小さなことでしたが、そのような小さい出来事で自分の新しいパッションや趣味を見つけられるかもしれないと思い、The Clubroomsを通して自分の好きなことを他の生徒に教え、何か新しく趣味を見つけられたらいいなと思っています。
Hello! I am Eiri, and I work as an intern for The Clubrooms. I learned about this program at school, and simply thought it seemed fun, and joined without really thinking so much about it. I wasn’t as spirited about this at first, but through the visit to the office, communicating with the adults in the program, talking to the students who are using The Clubrooms, and so many other incredible experiences, I started to think more about what I specifically could donate to enrich this program.
I think that many students feel that in local schools, opinions and backgrounds can be limited, and through the technology, we have now, I want children to experience the exchange of ideas or experiences with children all over the world with different backgrounds and have a bigger view of the world. I myself lived in Kentucky for about 6 years, and there, I was able to get to know so many people with different backgrounds, and now looking back, that valuable experience really helps me in so many different ways in life. So, I want more and more students to be able to experience something similar and get something that can be life-changing out of it.
Also, me being a person who did so many extracurricular activities in my youth, I have experienced tons of hobbies, and one of the things I was and am still extremely passionate about is dancing. I started dance classes because my friend took dance classes, and through just a simple spark, I was able to find my passion and something that is a part of my life. Through The Clubrooms program, I also want students to be able to find a new passion for something through learning from the other students, and possibly find something brand new that they could continue.
I really look forward to working with so many more students around the world, and getting to know more people through this program, and can’t wait to see what’s awaiting:))))))