こんにちは!The Clubroomsのインターン生のジェシーです。私は今The Clubroomsが開催しているオンラインで10歳〜15歳が様々なアジアの国から繋がり、ミニゲームや会話を通じて楽しい放課後を過ごすプログラムのお手伝いをしています。
そして実は先月、初めて実際にセッションに参加して海外の小中学生と関わる機会をいただきました!それまでも資料作成などで少し大人の方とは関わっていたのですが、やっぱり実際に参加すると30分ほどではありましたがとても楽しかったです。当日は簡単な自己紹介とGartic Phoneという絵を描いて伝える伝言ゲームのような遊びをしました。このゲームはシンプルだけどとても楽しいのでおすすめです。その日は私の他にも五人ほど高校生のインターンがいたのですが、私たちはオンラインで人と繋がって遊ぶ経験をあまりしたことがなかったので初めはどうなるんだろうと少し不安でしたが始まってみるとみんなで楽しむことができました。
以上、The Clubroomsのセッションの一場面についてご紹介しました。興味のある方がいればぜひご連絡ください!
Hi! My name is Jessie, and I am an intern at The Clubrooms. I am currently helping to host an online program where 10-15 year olds from various Asian countries connect and have fun after school through online games and conversations.
And last month, I attended a session and interacted with elementary and middle school students from overseas! I had been involved with adults for some time by preparing materials and so on, but it was the first session and I really enjoyed it even if it was only for about 30 minutes.
On the day of the session, we briefly introduced ourselves and played a game called Gartic Phone, which is like a message game where you draw a picture to tell someone. I recommend this game because it is simple but very fun. There were about five other high school interns with me that day, and I was a little nervous at first because we had never had much experience playing online with other people, but once we started, we all had a lot of fun together.
I am now thinking of other games that we can play during the session, and my next goal is to make it more enjoyable by making it a more active conversation among the participants.
These are just a few of the scenes from The Clubrooms sessions. If anyone is interested, please contact us!